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Conditions we treat


At Body & Birth our Women’s Health Physiotherapists are trained in the application of therapeutic Ultrasound for mastitis, blocked ducts and breast engorgement.


The breastfeeding journey can be an incredible experience but is not always a simple one. There are often more than a few challenges along the way. Mastitis, blocked ducts and breast engorgement can be some of the reasons Mums stop breastfeeding sooner than planned. Therapeutic ultrasound uses micro-massage and heat to help open the milk ducts, encourage circulation to improve the flow and emptying of milk, and subsequently reduce pain and swelling. In most cases, improvement is seen following one session and 1-3 sessions are recommended for treatment. 


In addition to Ultrasound treatment, at Body & Birth we can help support you in your  breastfeeding journey with education, lymphatic drainage/massage and pain-relieving techniques, alongside guidance from your qualified lactation consultant and GP.


What is it?

Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the breast, usually associated with redness, pain, high temperature and feeling like you've been hit by a truck! Not what you want on top of interrupted sleep and recovering from your birth. Around 1 in 5 breastfeeding Mums will experience mastitis and it usually occurs within the first 3 months postpartum. Antibiotics are sometimes required under the guidance of your GP, and infective mastitis should be treated promptly to prevent more serious complications.


Blocked Ducts can occur when the ducts or pathways carrying milk get blocked and result in a build up of static milk. This can become tender and red, sometimes leading to infection and mastitis. 

Breast Engorgement means that your breasts are painfully over-full with milk and occurs when baby is draining less milk than you are making. Your breasts may feel swollen, firm and tender all over and can contribute to blocked ducts and mastitis. This does normally resolve, however, massage, warm/cold therapy, practical tips for feeding and ultrasound treatment can help in the meantime.

What causes it?


  • Poor attachment

  • Long periods between breastfeeds

  • Nipple trauma or damage

  • Restrictive bras or clothing

  • Stopping a feed too quickly and not fully emptying the breast



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189 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington, QLD 4064 Australia

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